Dear iphiGenia Community,
An international audience watched the celebration of the GenderDesignAward 2021 online via ZOOM. We had visitors from Italy, Spain, Austria, Switzerland, Argentina, Mexiko, Great Britain, Denmark, Israel and Germany! The festive 2021 award ceremony, panel, jury and winners: watch the Zoom-Recording!
Looking for subtitles? Please watch the video on youtube here: #iphiGenia Gender Design Award Ceremony 2021
Thank you for joining the iphi award ceremony 2021!
Thank you to the great audience in Zoom, the iphiTeam, the Jury, the RCI and the wonderful MAKK for being our host! Thank you to our sponors and supporters, especially the City of Cologne and the KölnBusiness Wirtschaftsförderungs GmbH.
*Due to the pandamic the whole event took place under 2G+ conditions. Only winners, iphiTeam and seven guests were present. — Stay safe and get vaccinated!
kindly supported by:

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